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A recipient of the Padma Shri, Dr. Kamini Rao is a pioneer of the assisted reproduction fraternity in India and an educationist of repute. She has always been a relentless crusader for the fundamental right to give birth and with this goal founded one of India’s leading fertility chains “Milann”, formerly known as BACC Healthcare, a brand synonymous with high standards of clinical quality, medical expertise, excellent patient care and success rates comparable with the best in the world.
She has set up the Kamini Kares Foundation, an organization that focuses on working towards improving, enhancing and enlightening the lives of the girl child and women in our country. The primary focus is to identify capabilities and help women achieve and explore their dreams. The ultimate aim is to ensure that all women have the ability to control their lives and destinies, and have access to adequate food, education, and health care.
She is currently in the process of setting up a laboratory facility for prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases like Hemophilia, Downs Syndrome, Thalassemia & for carrier testing as well as the setting up of a research database to allow for more research leading to improved treatment and better quality of life.
A vision for developing the reproductive medicine talent in the country led to the setting up of a strong education vertical which is affiliated to BACC Healthcare and is considered to be amongst the country’s premier institutions for education and training in Reproductive Medicine both for clinicians and embryologists. Alumni from this institute form the backbone of many of the leading IVF centres of the country. Dr. Kamini Rao being academically oriented, has authored nearly 50 medical textbooks and a large number of journal and chapter publications.
Dr. Kamini Rao served as President of the All India Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies (FOGSI) in the year 2000 as well as the President of ISAR between 2006 and 2008. She has the distinction of simultaneously serving as the FOGSI representative to FIGO as well as AOFOG. She has been a nominated Member of the Senate of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences between 2009 to 2012 and a Member of the Syndicate between 2015 to 2018.
She has served as a Member of the Central Supervisory Board, Govt. of India (GOI) for implementation of the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act, Member, National Apex Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy and as Member of the drafting committee for formulating National Guidelines for “Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics in India”
Dr. Kamini Rao is one of the stalwarts of the medical profession in India and her contributions to the medical field and in particular to Assisted Reproduction are immeasurable. She has done India proud not only with her achievements in her own specialty and academically but also as a champion for the cause of women be it Safe Abortion, Female Feticide or Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Rights with the aim of improving the quality of life and the status of women in society.
- Medical Director, Milann – The Fertility Centre (A Unit of BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.) (1990 to 2022)
- Syndicate Member, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (2015 to 2018)
- Senate Member, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (2009 to 2012)
- President, Federation of Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) (2000-2001)
- President, Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (2006-2008)
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences (2009 to 2014)
- Founder Editor, International Journal of Infertility & Fetal Medicine (2010 to date)
- Member, National Advisory Committee for drafting of Guidelines on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART Bill)
- Member, National Apex Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (2010 – to date)
- Chairperson, Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Rights Committee, International ObGyn Federation (FIGO) (2006-2009)
- India’s Representative to the International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology (2003 to 2006)
- India’s Representative to the Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology (2001 to 2003)
- Chairperson, for the website : www.indianwomenshealth .com
- Chairperson of the International Institute for Training & Research in Reproductive Health (IIRRH )
- President of Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (BSOG), 1998
- Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Mallya Hospital, Bangalore
School Education at Bishop Cotton Girls’ High School, Bangalore.
Medical Education at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, and Vanivilas Bangalore.
- 1977 M.B.B.S.
- 1979 D.G.O.
- 1998 F.LC.O.G.
- 2000 Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Law and Ethics
- 2005 F.N.A.M.S.
- 2021 Honorary Founder Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine by the Karnataka State Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association
- 2022 Honorary Doctorate for Director of Science (D.Sc.) at the 54th Annual Convocation of Bangalore University
- 1983 D.O.RC.P.
- 1985 D.Ch.
- 1985 M.R.C.O.G.
- 1986 M.O.B.G
- 1998 F.RC.O.G.
- 2021 Honorary Fellowship of the International Academy of Human Reproduction based on contributions to the science of human reproduction and on recognized international prominence

Fetal Invasive Therapy under Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, King’s College School of Medicine, London, U.K.
Laser Surgery training in South Cleaveland Hospital, Middlesborough, U.K., under Prof. Ray Garry.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has been recognized by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi for a post-doctoral Fellowship program in Reproductive Medicine and is one of the five Centres in India to be recognized. It is the only Centre to be allotted four students per year thus having having 8students at any given time.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is also recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka’s Medical University, for Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and has formerly been recognized for Fellowship in Feto Maternal Medicine, Endoscopy and Sexual Medicine.
An Institutional Fellowship program in Reproductive Medicine.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is also recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka’s Medical University, for Ph. D in Reproductive Biology/Embryology.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is recognized by VIT University, for Ph. D in Reproductive Medicine since 2015.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is recognized by NITTE University for Ph.D in Clinical Embryology from the year 2015.
BACC Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is recognized by Bangalore University for Ph.D in BIOCHEMISTRY.
Conducted by BACC Healthcare with significant teaching contributions from the JSS Medical College and awarded a degree jointly by JSS University and BACC Healthcare.
A charitable trust set up by Dr Kamini A Rao for the promotion of academics, training and research.
This is a world class fertility training Centre specializing in Assisted Reproductive Techniques based in Bangalore set up by Dr Kamini Rao and initially made possible by a grant from Merck Serono and Learning Initiative for Fertility Experts. State of the art laboratories and an internationally accredited faculty make this a premier training Centre for the benefit of professionals in the field of ART. The Centre operates a number of training Courses as shown below as well as a couple of short term courses.
- Certificate Courses for Clinicians & Embryologists
The Centre conducts six month & one-year Certificate Courses for Clinicians and six-month Certificate Courses for Embryologists which comprehensively train candidates in Reproductive Medicine - Three week Embryology Training Course
This is a comprehensive course that aims to introduce to the student the fundamentals of Embryology with training in Oocyte handling, embryo handling, embryo culture, embryo freezing/thawing, IVF and ICSI. - Three week Clinical Training Course
This course provides a one-on-one comprehensive training in the clinical management of ART. It includes Ovulation induction protocols, Ultrasound monitoring, Oocyte pick up and Embryo transfer techniques. - Short Term & Weekend Courses Short Term & Weekend Courses on various topics are also offered which serve as refresher programs for Continuing Medical Education
Year Course Students 2003-2018 National Board of Examinations 22 2006-2018 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 47 2012-2018 Institutional Fellowship 30 2015-2018 Certificate Courses 11 2010-2018 Short Term Training Programs 450 TOTAL 560 - Over 45 medical publications and textbooks authored by Dr Kamini Rao have been published
- Publishes the International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine for which Dr Kamini Rao is the Editor in Chief
- LIFE CONFERENCE an annual scientific conference organized by Dr. Kamini Rao in the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017.
- Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine
- Founder Editor of the International Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences.
Books Published:
- “The Infertility Manual - 4th Edition” authored by Dr. Kamini A Rao published by J P Brothers
- Editor of “An Introduction to Genetics and Fetal Medicine", foreword by Dr. Donald Gibb, U.K. Under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India.
- Editor of “Chorionic Villus Sampling” co-edited by Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, Kings College Hospital, U.K.
- Editor of “Amniotic Fluid", co-edited by Dr. Micheal G. Ross, Harbor-UCLA, U.S.A. This book features contributions from over 20 international authors.
- Editor of “A Handbook of Prenatal Diagnosis & Reproductive Genetics” under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India.
- Editor of “The Infertility Manual 1st Edition”, co-edited by Dr. Peter Brinsden, UK. Under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India.
- Editor of “Current Concepts in Perinatology”, under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India.
- Editor of “FOGSI-RCH”, co-edited by Dr. D. K. Tank, under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India, to highlight India’s RCH program and to ensure good reproduction and child health status.
- Editor of “Principles & Practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology for Post Graduates” co-edited by Dr. Alokendu Chatterjee and Dr. Usha Saraiya, a FOGSI Publication.
- Editor of “The Infertility Manual 2nd Edition”, co-edited by Dr. Peter Brinsden, UK. & Prof. Henry Sathananthan under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India.
- Editor of “The Infertility Manual 3rd Edition”, co-edited by Prof. Howard Carp
- Editor of “Laboratory Manual in Assisted Reproductive Technology” co-edited by MS Srinivas.
- Editor of “The Andrology Manual” co-edited by MS Srinivas.
- Author of “Injectable Contraception” co-authored by Dr. Rustom Soonawala.
- Author of “A Hand book of Obstetric Emergencies”, a ready reckoner for the practicing obstetrician.
- Author of “Maternal Nutrition –A Quintessential Guide”, on the appropriate management of nutrition during pregnancy, published under the aegis of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India
- Author of “Dr. Kamini Rao’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy”
- Author of the book “Dr. Kamini Rao’s Guide to the Science and Practice of Women’s Health”.
- Author of “Diagnosis and Management of Infertility” in the Kannada language.
- Author of a compilation of short stories in Kannada - “Stories of the Umbilical Cord”.
- Author of “Before She Conceives”
- Author of “Text Book of Gynaecology” published by Elsevier Publications.
- Author of the book “Maternal Nutrition to help shape the Baby’s Tomorrow”
- Author of the book “Postpartum Weight Loss”
- Author of the book “Handbook of Obstetric Emergencies” 2nd Edition published by Jaypee Brothers.
- Author of the book “Textbook of Midwifery & Obstetrics for Nurses” published by Elsevier Publications
- Author of the three volume book Vol I - “Textbook of Infertility”, Vol II - “Laboratory Andrology Manual & Vol III - “Atlas of Embryology” published by Jaypee Bros. 1st Edition published in 2015
- “A Hand book of Gynecological Emergencies” published by Jaypee Brothers
- Author of the three volume book Vol I - “Textbook of Infertility”, Vol II - “Laboratory Andrology Manual & Vol III - “Atlas of Embryology” published by Jaypee Bros. 2nd Edition published in 2018
- Author of the book “Obstetric Emergencies” to be published shortly by Jaypee Bros.
- Author of the book “Gynecological Emergencies” to be published shortly by Jaypee Bros.
Journal Publications:
- Dr. Kamini A. Rao – Chorion Biopsy a study of 1,168 cases: Indian Journal Obs. & Gyn’88
- Dr. Kamini A. Rao – “Male and Female Infertility” a series of articles in Physicians Update published in October-November 1991.
- Dr. Kamini A. Rao – A Report in JAMA, Vol. 11 (2) May '92 - IVF Report - Assisted Conception Centre at Bangalore.
- Editor of “Recurrent Pregnancy Loss” ECAB Clinical Update: Obstetrics and Gynecology published by Elsevier, Nov - Dec 2008 Vol 1, Issue 6
- “Right to protection from unsafe abortion and post abortion care” Kamini A. Rao; International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics World Report on Women’s Health 2009
- Editor of “Managing Infertility” ECAB Clinical Update: Obstetrics and Gynecology published by Elsevier, 2011
- SR Raghuwanshi, ST Shashikala, KA Rao. Repeat Transabdominal Laparoscopic Encerclage. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2011; 2(2):81-84
- Kamini A. Rao, Muthugadhalli S Srinivas, Anu Kottur, Partha P Majumdar, Pushpa M Bhargava. Social Isolation Following Embryo Transfer Increases Success Rates in IVF and ICSI Cycles. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2012; 3(1):8-14
- Sharma R, Rao K, Srinivas MS, Jones T. Is Endometrial Thickness on the Day of ET Really Predictive of IVF Outcome? Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2012; 3(2):40-47
- Vickram Sundaram, M. S. Srinivas, Kamini A. Rao, M Ramesh Pathy, T B Sridharan (2013) A Comparative Study of Distribution of Protein and Cholesterol in Various Fractions of Human Semen from Infertile and Fertile Subjects. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2012; 3 (3): 78 -82. (PubMed Citation)
- Kaur M, Pranesh G, Mittal M, Gahlan A, Deepika K, Shashikala T, Rao KA. Outcome of Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling in Patients of Clomiphene Resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Tertiary Care Center. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2013; 4(2):39-44
- Kaur M, Mittal M, Kamath A, Deepika K, Kottur A, Rao KA. Live Birth following Single Embryo Transfer derived from Vitrified Oocyte and Surgically Retrieved Frozen Sperm in a Poor Responder Patient. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2013; 4(2):62-65
- Vickram Sundaram, Muthugadhalli Srinivas, Jayaraman Gurunathan, Kamini Rao, Ramesh Pathy Maniyan, Sridharan Balasundaram, (2013) Influence of Trace Elements and Their Correlation with Semen Quality in Fertile and Infertile Subjects. Turk J Med Sci Vol 43, No 6. pp 1000-1007.
- Vickram A. S, Raja Das, Srinivas M. S, Kamini Rao, Jayaraman G, and T. B. Sridaran (2013). Prediction of Zn concentration in human seminal plasma of Normospermia samples by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). J Assist Reprod Genet Vol. 30, pp. 453 - 459
- A. S. Vickram, V. Devi Rajeswari, M. Srinivas, G. Jayaraman, R. A. Kamini, M. Ramesh Pathy, S. Ventat Kumar and T. B. Sridharan, 2014. Correlation Studies on Human Seminal Plasma Proteins and Their Relation with Semen Freezability. Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Vol 9, pp 41-48.
- Vohra A, Rao KA. Luteinizing Hormone in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2014; 5(3):75-86
- Vickram A S, Kamini A Rao, Archana K, Jayaraman G, Venkat Kumar S and Sridharan T.B* Effects Of Various Semen Extenders On Semen Parameters For The Purpose Of Human Male Fertility Preservation CryoLetters 36 (3), 182-186 (2015)
- Narvekar S A, Vijaykumar P K, Shetty N, Gupta N, Ashwini G B, Rao Kamini A, Unruptured ovarian pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization: Missed diagnosis followed by successful laparoscopic management, Journal Human Reproduction Sci, Issue 1, Volume 1, Jan - June 2008
- Snehal Dhobale, Revathi S Rajan, Kamini A Rao, Hemoperitoneum in Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Unusual Cause-Spontaneous Rupture of Uterine Varices, 10.5005/jp-journals-10016-1084
- Divya Sardana, Amit Jitendra Upadhyay, K Deepika, Gautham T. Pranesh, Kamini A Rao, Correlation of subendometrial-endometrial blood flow assesment by two-dimensional power Doppler with pregnancy outcome in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, Volume 7, Issue 2, Apr-June 2014
- Harpreet Kaur, Deepika Krishna, Nivedita Shetty, Sandhya Krishnan, M S Srinivas, Kamini Arvind Rao, A Prospective study of GnRH long agonist versus flexible GnRH antagonist protocol in PCOS: Indian experience. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. Volume 5. Issue 2. May - Aug 2012.
- Harpreet Kaur, T. Shashikala, Meednakshi Bharath, Nivedia Shetty, Kamini A. Rao, Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy Following Assisted Reproductive Techniques: A Rare Entity. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine, Vol.2, No. 1
- Sandhya Krishnan, Harpreet Kaur, Jyoti Bali, Kamini Rao, Ovarian torsion in infertility management - Missing the diagnosis means losing the ovary: A high price to pay. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. Volume 4. Issue 1. Jan - Apr 2011.
- A S. Vickram, G. Jayaraman, M. Srinivas, T. B, Sridharan, Rao Kamini, Biochemical and Correlation studies of Fructose and a-Glucosidase in Human Seminal Plasma with allusion to Semen Quality; Submitted to Turkish Journal of Biochemistry
- A S. Vickram, K. Archana, Rao Kamini, M. Ramesh Pathy, T. B Sridharan, Analysis of fructose and a-glucosidase form various human seminal plasma and their correlation with semen quality and human health; Submitted to African Health Sciences, in Galley Proof.
- Vickram A S, Kamini Rao, Ramesh Pathy M, Chanchal Thomas, Parameswari R and Sridharan T B*, Effect of semen extender on protein concentration in each fraction of human semen after frozen and thaw, Accepted for Publication in Cryoletters. Impact factor (1.8)
- Vickram A S, Kamini A Rao, Raja Das, Ramesh Pathy M Parameswari R, Archana K, Sridharan T. B, Diagnosis of Human Male Infertility by Predicting Biochemical Markers Present in Human Seminal Plasma Using Artificial Neural Network Models (ANN), Submitted to Journal of Computer Science and Technology
- Parmaeswari R, Kamini A Rao, Vickram AS, Sridharan T B. Smoking influence Influence of Trace Elements on semen parameters and sperm DNA integrity in Human Male Infertile and Infertile Smokers. International Journal of Impotence Research ( (In revision).
- Revathi S Rajan, Pratibha Malik, Nupur Garg, Smitha Avula, Kamini A Rao Outcomes of Pregnancy in Women with TPO Positive Status after Appropriate Dose Adjustments of Thyroxin: A Prospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Medical Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering Vol: 10, No: 3, 2016 Pages No: 114-117
- Asifa Majeed, PS Divyashree, Kamini A Rao Clinical Outcomes of Tamoxifen and Clomiphene Citrate in Intrauterine Insemination Cycles. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine September - December 2015 Issue 3, Pages No: 118-121
- Nupur Garg, Deepika Krishna, Suvarna Rathor, Kamini A Rao Ovarian Torsion: A Gynecological Emergency in Insemination Cycles. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine September - December 2015 Issue 3, Pages No: 136-140
- Kamini A Rao, P Dahm-Kähler, Mats Brännström Uterus Transplantation: An Update and Preparations for Introduction in India. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine May - August 2016 Issue 3, Pages No: 61-67
- Parameswari R, Kamini A Rao, Manigandan P, Vickram AS, Archana K and Sridharan TB: Tea Polyphenol-T. Arjuna Bark as Sperm Antioxidant Extender in infertile smokers Pages No: 95-99
- Parameswari R, Kamini A. Rao, K. Mano, M. Aruna, AS Vickram, M. Rameshpathy & TB Sridharan Human sperm DNA damage inhibition and antioxidant activity of T. arjuna bark:an in vitro study 3 Biotech ISSN 2190-572X Volume 7, Number 3, Biotech (2017) 7:1-9 DOI 10.1007/s13205-017-0853 – 29th June 2017 Page 2 -9
- Mir Jaffar, Mohammed Ashraf, Kamini Rao Does Weight Loss Improve Fertility with respect to Semen Parameters- Results from a Large Cohort Study. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine January - April 2017 Issue 1, Pages No: 12-17
- Khushboo Priya, P S Divyashree, Kamini Rao Restoring Fertility in Cancer Survivors: Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation or Assisted Reproduction Technique. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine January - April 2017 Issue 1, Pages No: 24-31
- Sridharan Balasundaram1, Parameswari Ranganathan, Kamini A. Rao, Tea Poly Phenol - Zinc Oxide nano Particle effects on Infertile Smoker’s Spermatozoa- A Short Report. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT) ISSN - 0974-3618 (Print) 0974-360X (Online) – February 2018 Page 1-4
- Sridharan T B, Viswapriya V S, Moumita Basak, Parameswari R, Kamini A Rao, A Survey of Biochemical Parameters in Fertile Smokers- A Clinical Study. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT) ISSN 0974-3618 (Print) 0974-360X (Online) – February 2018 Page 1 - 5
- Vickram A Sundaram, Kamini A Rao, Archana K, Ramesh Pathy M and Sridharan T B, A Correlative Study of Antioxidants Present in Human Seminal Plasma with Sperm Count. JSM Invitro Fertilization 3(1): 1024 (2018)–February 2018 Page 1 - 6
- A.S. Vickram, T. B. Sridharan, Kamini A. Rao, Evaluation of fructose and α-glucosidase activity in human seminal plasma of various infertile and fertile categories for proper diagnosis - Case reports. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports (2018) Page 1 – 4
- A.S. Vickram, K. Anbarasu, Kamini A. Rao, S. Jayanthi and T.B. Sridharan Identification and in silico Characterization of Semenogelin II Protein in Semen- A Marker for Diagnosis of Male Infertility Bentham Science Publishers Current Proteomics, 2018, Vol. 15, No. 4 Page 1-7
Over 40 Chapter contributions to medical textbooks
Chapter Titled | Transvaginal Sonography in Assisted Reproduction |
Book | Update on Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography |
Edited By | Dr. Gautam Allahbadia |
Published By | Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences |
Page No. & Year | 43-46, 1993 |
Chapter Titled | Embryo Reduction |
Book | Infertility Update |
Edited By | Dr. Vasant Patwardhan & Dr. Mehroo Hansotia |
Published By | FOGSI Publications |
Page No. & Year | 31-33, 1994 |
Chapter Titled | Transvaginal Sonography Guided Embryo Transfer |
Book | Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography Current Concepts |
Edited By | Dr. Sadhana Desai & Dr. Gautam Allahbadia |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 280-282, 1995 |
Chapter Titled | Prognostic Markers for Successful Implantation in Assisted Techniques |
Book | Progress in Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography |
Edited By | Dr. Sadhana Desai & Dr. Gautam Allahbadia |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 43-46, 1996 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Fetal Reduction 2. Fetal Surgery 3. Legal Issues in Prenatal Diagnosis & Therapy |
Book | An Introduction to Genetics & Fetal Medicine |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini A. Rao |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | (1) 90-96 (2) 226-230 (3) 242-244, 1996 |
Chapter Titled | Intra Uterine Fetal Therapy |
Book | Recent Advances in Obstetrics – Volume III |
Edited By | Prof. S. Dasgupta |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 106-111. 1997 |
Chapter Titled | Safety Aspects of Endosonography |
Book | Endosonography in Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Edited By | Dr. Gautam Allahbadia |
Published By | Rotunda Publications |
Page No. & Year | 14-18, 1997 |
Chapter Titled | Guidelines for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss |
Book | Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of India |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao |
Published By | Springer |
Page No. & Year | Vol. 48 No.6 PP 59 -67, Dec. 1998. |
Chapter Titled | Role of Transvaginal Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis and Management of Multiple Gestation |
Book | Endosonography in Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Edited By | Dr. Gautam Allahbadia |
Published By | Rotunda Publications |
Page No. & Year | 107-109, 1997 |
Chapter Titled | Anovulation |
Book | Reproductive Endocrinology |
Edited By | Dr. Vandana Walvekar & Dr. M.J. Jassawala (1st Edition) |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.India. |
Page No. & Year | 144-147, 1998 |
Chapter Titled | Historical Aspects of Prenatal Diagnosis |
Book | Chorionic Villus Sampling |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao & Dr. Kypros Nicolaides, UK |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India |
Page No. & Year | 1-4, 1998 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Genetics & Prepregnancy Counseling 2. Prental Diagnosis in Obstetric Practice 3. Fetal Rights |
Book | A Handbook of Prenatal Diagnosis & Reproductive Genetics |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini A. Rao |
Co-Edited By | Dr. Michael G. Ross, USA |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Pvt. Ltd. India |
Page No. & Year | (1) 1-5, (2) 8-13, (3) 110-114, 1998 |
Chapter Titled | Role of Prenatal Diagnosis in MTP |
Book | Manual on Medical Termination of Pregnancy (3rd Edition) |
Edited By | Dr. Manju Mataliya |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 85-90, 1999 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Genetic Amniocentesis: Past, present & future |
Book | Amniotic Fluid |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini A. Rao |
Co-Edited By | Dr. Michael G. Ross, UCLA |
Published By | Prism Books Pvt. Ltd., India |
Page No. & Year | (1) 1-5, (2) 52-61, 1999 |
Chapter Titled | Apoptosis in Obstetrics |
Book | Medical Disorders in Pregnancy |
Edited By | Dr. Pankaj Desai |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 60-64, 2001 |
Dr. Kamini A. Rao, Dr. Mamta Dighe | Apoptosis - Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of India - Vol. 50 No.5 PP 204-206, Oct. 2000. |
Dr. Kamini A. Rao | FOGSI Focus – Safe Abortions, PP 1, 2000. |
Chapter Titled | |
Book | |
Edited By | |
Published By | |
Page No. & Year | |
Chapter Titled | Current Status of Abortions in India (Unsafe Abortions & Methods of Unsafe Abortions)” |
Book | A Passage through Abortion |
Edited By | Dr. Arun Nagrath & Dr. Narendra Malhotra |
Published By | Jayee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 38-43, 2001 |
Chapter Titled | Anovulation |
Book | Reproductive Endocrinology |
Edited By | Dr. Vandana Walvekar & Dr. M.J.Jassawala (2nd Edition) |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 161-165, 2001 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Principles & Practice of Genetic Counseling (2nd Author) 2. Genetics of Intrauterine Growth Retardation (2nd Author) 3. The Fetus as a Patient: Surgical Perspectives |
Book | Current Concepts in Perinatology |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini A. Rao |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Pvt. Ltd. India |
Page No. & Year | (1) 1-15, (2) 43-48, (3) 75-92, 2001 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Hyperprolactinaemia & Thyroid Disorders 2. Obesity in Infertility Practice 3. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome 4. Prognostic Markers in IVF-ET |
Book | The Infertility Manual 1st Edition |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao & Dr. Peter R. Brinsden, UK |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | (1)70-82 (2) 128-133 (3) 332-337 (4) 365-372, 2001 |
Chapter Titled | Twin Research and the Genetic Basis of Somatic Disease |
Book | Multiple Pregnancy: Diagnosis & Management – A Clinical Approach |
Edited By | Dr. Louis G. Keith, Dr. Jyotsna Gandhi, Dr. Vandana Walvekar & Dr. Usha Saraiya |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 275-281, 2002 |
Chapter Titled | Current Concepts in Treatment of Endometriosis |
Book | Manual of Advanced Infertility Management |
Edited By | Dr. Mehroo Hansotia, Dr. Sadhana Desai & Dr. Mandakini Parihar |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 70-81, 2002 |
Chapter Titled | Safe Abortion |
Book | FOGSI-RCH Training Manual |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao & Dr. D. K. Tank |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 16-26, 2002 |
Chapter Titled | Premature Ovarian Failure |
Book | Progress in Reproductive Endocrinology |
Edited By | Dr. Nimish Shelat |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 125 –138, 2003 |
Chapter Titled | Legal Issues in the Elderly |
Book | Geriatric Problems in Women |
Edited By | Dr. Maya Sood Khanna, Dr. Chitra Raghunandan, Dr. Usha Gupta |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 101 –106, 2003 |
Chapter Titled | Grief Counselling in RPL |
Book | Recurrent Pregnancy Loss |
Edited By | Dr. Mala Arora |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 299 - 302, 2003 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Induction of Ovulation 2. Premature Ovarian Failure 3. Assisted Reproductive Technology |
Book | Principles & Practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology for Post Graduates |
Edited By | Dr. Usha Saraiya, Dr. Kamini A. Rao, Dr. Alokendu Chatterjee |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | (1) 425-429, (2) 430-434, (3) 465-473, 2003 |
Chapter Titled | Comparitive Evaluation of use of CVS, Amniocentesis & Cord Blood. |
Book | Practical Management of Obstetric Problems |
Edited By | Dr. Sulochana Gunasheela |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 36-45, 2004 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Hyperprolactinaemia & Thyroid Disorders 2. Obesity in Infertility Practice 3. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome 4. Prognostic Markers in IVF-ET 5. Semen Intra Fallopian Transfer |
Book | The Infertility Manual 2nd Edition, 2004 |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao, Prof. Peter Brinsden, Prof Henry Sathanthan |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | (1)75-85 (2) 1118-122 (3) 332-338 (4)369-374 (5) 375-376 |
Chapter Titled | Surrogacy in India |
Book | Demystifying Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Edited By | Dr. Mini Sood & Dr. Charu Lata |
Published By | AITBS Publishers |
Page No. & Year | 54-62, 2006 |
Chapter Titled | Ectopic Pregnancy |
Book | Practical Cases in Obs. & Gyn. |
Edited By | Dr Kanan Yelikar |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | 203 - 207, 2007 |
Chapter Titled | Access to Safe Abortion within the limits of the Law |
Book | Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology- Best Practice & Research |
Edited By | S. Arulkumaran Guest Editors A. Faundes & D. Shaw |
Published By | Elsevier |
Page No. & Year | 421-432, 2006 |
Chapter Titled | 1. Hyperprolactinaemia & Thyroid Disorders 2. Obesity in Infertility Practice 3. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome 4. Prognosticating and Optimizing IVF Outcome 5. Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Therapeutic Advantages |
Book | The Infertility Manual 3rd Edition, 2009 |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini Rao & Prof. Howard Carp |
Published By | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. India. |
Page No. & Year | (1)95-107 (2) 136-148 (3) 385-401 (4) 442-452, (5) 616-624 |
Chapter Titled | Nutrition in HIV Infected Mothers (27 – Chapter) |
Book | Maternal Nutrition in Practice South Asia perspective |
Edited By | Dr. Kamini A Rao/Dr. Sunitha B |
Published By | Jaypee |
Page No. & Year | 239- 246, 2013 |
- Padma Shri Award by Govt. of India in recognition of distinguished service in the field of Reproductive Medicine on 26th April 2014. Award presented by Hon. President, Sri. Pranab Mukherjee.
- Honorary Doctorate for ‘Director of Science’ (D.Sc.) at the 54th Annual Convocation of Bangalore University in 2022.
- Honorary Fellowship of the International Academy of Human Reproduction based on contributions to the science of human reproduction and on recognized international prominence in 2021.
- Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Academics in INFERTICON 2022.
- CME Excellence Dronacharya Award 2021 for exceptional CME efforts in Gynec/ IVF.
- Honoured with Karnataka Vaidya Ratna Award in 2021.
- Honoured with Vidya Vibhushan Award in 2021 by The Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
- Lifetime Achievement Award by Karnataka State Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association in 2021.
- Honorary Founder Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine by the Karnataka State Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association in 2021.
- Distinguished NBE Teacher award by Association of National Board Accredited Institutions on 5th September 2021.
- Honoured with Star Connect Award 2021 by Pune Obstetrics and Gynecology Society for service towards women's health.
- Karnataka State Award (Rajyotsava Award), for invaluable service in the field of medicine in 1997
- Global Asian of the Year 2016 by United Research Services & AsiaOne Magazine on 24th January 2017 at Singapore.
- Startdust Global Indian Icon Awards 2017 on 13th July 2017 at New York.
- Listed in Top Ten Doctors of India by Google in 2010.
- Vidya Ratan Award for invaluable service in the field of medicine Subharam Trust in 1998.
- Lifetime Achievement Honours Tribute Award, for dedicated service to the Nation & Profession, from the Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Hyderabad in 2000
- Arya Bhatta Award from the Arya Bhatta Cultural Organization for excellence in the field of medicine in the year 2005.
- B.C. Roy District Award from the Shimoga district unit of the Indian Medical Association. In the year 2005
- Lifetime Achievement Award at the 3rd National Symposium on Fertility & High Risk Pregnancy, Chennai in 2011.
- FOGSI, DC Dutta prize for best publication for the year 2008.
- India International Friendship Society Rashtriya Gaurav Award for outstanding Services Achievements and contributions.
- Sarvodaya International Trust Lifetime Achievement Honours tribute and Award in the year 2001.
- FIGO - International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Award in Recognition of Women Obstetricians/Gynaecologists, Rome on 09th October 2012.
- Named in Marquis Who’s Who for the year 2012 which features biographies of around 55,000 accomplished men & women from around the world for outstanding achievement in their field.
- Lifetime Achievement Awards & Honour, for dedicated service, Contributation and Achievements in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, from Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bangalore on 15th April 2012.
- Swasth Bharat Samman Award for achieving excellence in the field of medicine services and for contribution to the public healthcare systems of India on 9th March 2013 by Honourable Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad
- Medscape India National Award of excellence In Gynecology by Medscape India for her persistent involvement and improvement in the health scenario at the National level on 20th April 2013 at Mumbai.
- Mentioned as one of the top 4 women doctors in the country who have helped in changing the face of Indian Medicine in a Blog on the Internet
- Late Dr. Prabha Malhotra Memorial Life Time Achievement Award - 23rd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) for Academician, A true visionary, Champion of Junior Colleagues, Great Orator on 20th April 2014 at Kolkata.
- Milann ranked as India’s best IVF Centre 2016, by Praxis Media
- Milann ranked as India’s #One Fertility Centre by Times of India Health Survey for the three years consecutively in 2016, 2017 & 2018
- Frost and Sullivan India Healthcare Excellence Award for emerging IVF Service Provider of the Year 2015 on 8th October 2015 at Mumbai.
- National ICON award by APS Research & Media for India’s Most Trusted IVF Treatment Centre of the year 2018-2019
- Founder Editor of the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences
- Editor in Chief of the International Journal for Infertility & Fetal Medicine
- The International Journal "Obstetrics & Gynaecology Communications".
- The Journal "Obs. & Gynae. Today", a Mediworld Publication.
- "Perinatology", a Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Care.
- Asian Journal of Obs. & Gynae. Practice, IJCP Publications.
- Gynaecology & Obstetrics Update
- "Medi Track" a quarterly publication for General Practitioners

- Dr. (Mrs.) Tamaskar Oration on "Molecular Biology – Clinical Applications", Nagpur.
- Rajkot Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society Oration on "Genetics in Habitual Abortions", 1989.
- All India Congress Oration on "Infertility treatment in the next Millenium", at Nagpur Obs. & Gyn. Society, 1999.
- Dr. Ratnabai Morey Oration on "Ageing and Reproduction", at the XII Karnataka State OBG Conference, 1999 at Bangalore.
- Dr. Rajju Banker Oration, on "Habitual Abortions", at Ahmadabad in 1999.
- Ahmadabad Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society Silver Jubilee Oration (1999 – 2000) on "Premature Ovarian Failure".
- Dr. Asha Lata KAR Memorial Oration on "Apoptosis – Fact or Fantasy", at the Vlth Joint Meet of OBG Societies, Orissa, 2000.
- Dr. Dossibai J. R. Dadabhoy Silver Jubilee Oration on "Ethics of Prenatal Diagnosis", at Bombay, 2000.
- D. C. Dutta Memorial Conference Oration, 2001, on "Premature Ovarian Failure" at Calcutta.
- Obstetric & Gynaecological Society of Southern India (OGSSI) – Annual Oration, 2001, on "Prenatal Detection & Post-natal Management of Fetal Malformations", at Chennai.
- Baroda Obst. & Gynec.Society Annual Oration, 2001, on "Ageing & Reproduction".
- Surat Obst. & Gynec.Society Annual Oration, 2001, on "Genomics & Gene Therapy".
- The R. K. Das Memorial Oration on ‘Safe Abortion’, at the XII Convention of North Eastern Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies Shillong, April 2001.
- Bilag Oration on ‘Premature Ovarian Failure – How far to go’, at the Millennium Update 2001 – Endolap and ART Conference, Vapi, Bombay.
- FOGSI Oration on "Safe Abrtion – FOGSI Meets the Challenge" at the 46th AICOG 2003, Bangalore.
- Prof. K. Bhaskar Rao Oration on "Immunomodulation in Obs. & Gyn." at the Annual Conference of the Madurai Obs & Gyn Society in December 2005.
- MOGS-Dr.M.Y.Rawal Oration on "Ultrasonography in Infertility" at the Infertility Today Conference of the Mumbai Obs & Gyn Society in December 2005.
- Dr. Shirodkar Oration on "Recent Advances in ART" in April 2006 at the Sholapur Annual OBG Conference.
- Oration on "Medicine – Law How does it influence the Clinical Practice" at the 8th International Conference on Recent Developments in Obstetrics, Sub Fertility & Gynecology in August 2008 in Chennai.
- Dr. Thomas Chandy Memorial Oration on "Reproductive Options for patients with Cancer" in August 2008 in Trivandrum.
- Dr. M P John Memorial Oration on "Recurrent Pregnancy Loss" in December 2010 in Patna.
- Dr. Suja Memorial Oration on "Making Every Woman Count" 15th May 2011 at IMPACT 2011 in Trivandrum.
- V B Chitale IMA Oration on "Women’s Empowerment through Health" at the 2nd Congress on Women’s Health & Disease 09th October 2011 in Pune.
- Certification of Appreciation Key Note Address on "Ovulation Induction in Cancer Survivors" at the 7th National Conference of Indian Fertility Society Fertivision 2011 17th December 2011 in New Delhi.
- The Champadevi Memorial Oration on "Poor Responders: An Enigma" at the 17th National Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction 3rd March 2012 in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
- Dr. Sulochana Gunasheela Memorial Oration on "Reproductive Outcome after Hysteroscopic Surgery" at the National Congress of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction -Karnataka Chapter (KISAR) on 23rd February 2013 in Mysore.
- Dr. S. N Tripathi Oration on "Status of Emergency Obstetrics & Newborn Care in India" at the Congress 2013 Indian Society of Perinatology & Reproductive Biology (ISOPARB) 24th March 2013 in Lucknow
- Dr. R N Ganguly Memorial Oration on "Fetal Origin of Adult Disease" covering the role of Nutrition during pregnancy period at R N Ganguly Foundation on 25th March 2013 in Kolkata.
- Dr. M. Y. Raval Oration on “Our rights and responsibilities towards infertility services” at The Mumbai Obstetric & Gynecological Society on 22nd March 2015 in Mumbai.
- Dr KK Deshmukh Oration on “Medical Management of Endometriosis” at The Mumbai Obstetric & Gynecological Society on 20th November, 2016 in Mumbai
- Dr. B N Purandare Oration on “Genital Tuberculosis … A Clinical Enigma” at The Association of Maharashtra Obstetrics & Gynecological Societies on 4th February 2017 in Nanded, Maharashtra.
- Dr. S Manorama Memorial Oration on “Uterine Transplant” at Dr. S Manorama Memorial CME & IUI Workshop on 6th August 2017 in Madurai.
- Dr. M N Hazra Oration on “Uterine Transplant – Myth or Reality” at Baroda Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society on 7th October 2017 in Baroda.
- Dr. Sulochana Gunasheela Memorial Oration on “Legal Aspects of ART” on 14th October 2017 in Bangalore
- Dr. S T Watwe Oration on “Hormones in Fertility and Infertility ” on 12th December 2017 in Sangli
- Pioneered the SIFT (Semen Intra Fallopian Transfer) technique in Assisted Reproduction 1991.
- India’s first SIFT Baby 3rd March 1991.
- Stem Cell Research in collaboration with the National Centre for Biological Sciences which is a collaborative effort with Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
- South India’s first ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) baby through the Micromanipulation technique 20th August 1997.
- South India’s first Laser Assisted Hatching baby.
- South India’s third GIFT (Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer) Baby 25th October 1990.
- Advanced work in the field of Foetal Medicine and Surgery for the identification of chromosomally and genetically abnormal fetuses
- The first Infertility Clinic in India to be awarded the ISO 9001:2000 status in April 2004
- Set up a Semen and Cryo Bank, the first of its kind in South India in 1990
- The first Infertility Clinic in India to be awarded the NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories) in November 2016
- Set up Kamini Kares Foundation an organization that focuses on working towards improving, enhancing and enlightening the lives of the girl child and women in our country.
- Adopted a Govt. aided girls high school, Sumangli Seva Ashram and Basavananda primary school, where uniforms, books, school bags are distributed free of cost every year.
- Works with challenged children with Downs Syndrome to help improve the quality of their lives through educative initiatives.
- Free Health Camps organized regularly where over 10,000 people have been screened for Gynecological & Infertility problems.
- Free Health Camps organized regularly where over 10,000 people have been screened for Gynecological & Infertility problems.
- Health Camps organized regularly where over 10,000 people have been screened for Gynecological problems.
- Over 250 health awareness programmes conducted for the common public.
- Conducted innumerable continuing medical education programmes for the medical fraternity
- Set up YUVA SEVA – A Centre for Adolescent Counseling a voluntary organization involving medical practitioners, educationists and socially committed people.
- Co-ordinator of the Govt, of Karnataka School Health and Adolescent Program which has covered over 5000 students from classes VIII, IX & X of both private and govt, schools were covered. The program addresses the health needs of adolescents as well as focuses on specific adolescent problems like Substance Abuse, School dropouts, Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion and HIV/AIDS.
- As part of the Safe Abortion Saves Lives program she was the driving force behind organizing a number of workshops all over the country, with special attention to the Bimaru’ states to promote safe abortion practices.
- Convenor of the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Pilot Project, a pioneering project to explore the possibility of introducing the MVA technique for abortion at the district and PHC level in certain chosen 8 states. The project was undertaken by FOGSI, MOHFW, Govt, of India and WHO.
- Co-ordinator of the International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology "Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights" Project initiated to use existing international human rights to improve women’s sexual and reproductive health through collaboration, education and advocacy.
- 1st President from Karnataka and upto date the youngest President and only lady doctor from South India to hold the post.
- Trained more than 12500 doctors from all over country in the practice of Safe Abortion through 52 hands on Workshops.
- Introduced the Vaccum Aspiration Syringe into the National Family Planning Programme through FOGSI.
- Started Yuva FOGSI Conference as a result of which more than 2,00,000 doctors have been enabled to enhance their knowledge and skills
- Brought the youth into focus of academic excellence and social responsibility
- President, Federation of Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI), India for the year 2000-2001.
- President, Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) for the year 2006-2008.
- Member of the Technical Advisory Committee for setting National Guidelines for “Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics in India”.
- Chairperson of the FIGO Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Rights Committee for the years 2006 to 2009.
- India’s Representative to the International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology(FIGO) for the years 2003 to 2006 – First Lady Representative from India & the first person from Karnataka
- Instituted the FOGSI - Kamini Rao Oration, with the aim of promoting younger ObGyn members.
- Co-ordinator of the FIGO (International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology) “Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights” Project.
- Extensive work in the area of Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Rights with the aim of bringing about changes in medical practice / standards to make them gender sensitive and ethical.
- First person from Karnataka to be elected President of FOGSI in the 45 years, since its inception
- India’s Representative to the Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AOFOG) – First Lady Representative from India & the first person from Karnataka
- First person to be invited to Pakistan to represent India at the International Conference on Reproductive Health.
- Pioneered the “Safe Abortion” program to tackle the issue of illegal and unsafe abortions in India
- Member of the Central Supervisory Board, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India (GOI) for implementation of the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act.
- Former Member of the Team of Experts set up by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India to debate whether the MTP Act requires amendment.
- Former Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the National Abortion Assessment Project
- Special Invitee to the State Advisory Committee, Govt. of Karnataka, for the Pre Conception & Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994, Govt. of Karnataka
- Former Member of the Task Force on Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka.
- Former Chairperson of the Women’s Wing of the Indian Medical Association (Karnataka Chapter).
- Twelve years teaching experience for Post Doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine recognized by National Board of Examinations
- Nine years experience for Post Doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University for Health Sciences.
- Seven years experience for Post Doctoral Fellowship in Endoscopy & Feto Maternal Medicine, recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University for Health Sciences.
- Nearly 80 students have completed their post doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine under the tutelage of Dr Kamini Rao and over 200 students have undergone short term training in Embryology and ART
- Three years teaching experience at the King's College School of Medicine, London, U.K.
- Set up the International Institute for Training & Research in Reproductive Health for training candidates in Infertility Management.
- Set up CREST – Centre for Reproductive Education and Specialist Training a world class fertility training Centre specializing in training programs in Assisted Reproductive Technology. The Training Centre is now run under the banner of IIRRH.
- A faculty member of the Post Graduate Training program organized annually by the Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
- Training of students for Membership of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MRCOG) Examinations.
- Lecture Tour of United States including Cornell Medical College New York, Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Wright State University, Ohio, Delaware Valley Health Centre, Dayton University along with many others. Lecture Tour organized by Tutorial Systems International, U.K. in the year 1997.
- Training of student nurses at King’s College School of Medicine, London, U.K.
- Training Programs in Ultrasound and Infertility for Post-graduate students.
- Organized a number of CME and Teaching Programs for Under Graduate and Post Graduate Medical students.
- Infertility
- Reproductive Endocrinology
- Assisted Techniques in Reproduction
- Andrology
- Uterine abnormalities and their management
- Interventional Ultrasonography
- Genetics and Foetal Medicine
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Foetal Surgery
- Molecular Biology
- Medicine and The Law
- Reproductive & Child Health
- Adolescent Health & Child Guidance